
IT & Communication

Your solution Our framework specialists

The backbone of any modern business is its IT and communications network. Our mastery in technological infrastructure allows us to provide our customers with state-of-the-art end-to-end solutions.

IT & Communication

Your solution
Our framework specialists

The backbone of any hi-tech solution lies in its IT and its communications network. And while some may consider these a commodity, they are is an essential part of any project. Our mastery in technological infrastructure allows us to provide our customers with state-of-the-art end-to-end solutions.

Our ADDed Value

maximising efficiency minimising costs


For any system to work, its administration needs to be seamless. Our IT experts are adept at in translating your business needs into IT infrastructure and information systems. Whether setting up, managing or monitoring your users and computers, Commit’s experts bring a 360° perspective. In the cloud, on premises or a hybrid environment, we will provide the skills and knowledge you need for around the clock operations.



Our communications experts provide our customers with a wide range of professional services, including LAN/WLAN/WAN/DC networks design and implementation, 4G networks design and Implementation with unique specialization in MANET and agile-deployed networks, SDN/NFV protocols development, network simulation and emulation development (OPNET, OMNET,MATLAB), as well as testing and services for the communication development industry.

Our team

consists of communication analysts, communication engineers and communication architects,
many of whom are CCIE and CCNP certified.

For our Unified Application Suite


Strategy Consulting

Whether architecting your IT top to bottom or integrating new relevant technologies into an existing framework, Commit’s IT architects will provide a strategic roadmap that ensures your business goals are achieved. Flexibility, scalability and security are the three pillars to our proactive approach. This means our full architectural designs provide you with high performance and full redundancy across your infrastructure.

Methodology Consulting

A key factor of customer success and business efficiency is leveraging industry best practices, such as ITIL, Agile and DevOps. Our methodology experts will help you improve your practices by implementing standardized processes bearing measurable outcomes. We will tailor a methodology that integrates the best practices to suit your business needs.


Managed IT Services

Consistency, reliability and responsiveness. Our highly trained IT staff will provide these for your organization, across all platforms and devices. The services we provide, from remote technology installments and updates, through proactive monitoring and system improvements, to permissions and identity management, will ensure your business operates smoothly.


Terminals, Virtual Workstations and Mobility

We know how to tie all the ends together when creating the perfect workspace solution for your business needs. No matter the platform, Microsoft or AWS  whether your environment is all in the cloud, hybrid or on-premises, whether incorporating virtual workstations with shared documentation, implementing mobile device management, or setting up virtual desktops, we will make sure your systems are always ready to go.

Virtualization, Servers
& Operating Systems

Managing a successful business is all about connectivity and network. You have to keep a close connection with all the stakeholders, from customers to employees. Commit has extensive experience in installing, maintaining, and monitoring the servers and network that make up the heart of a modern business. We will work to ensure minimal downtime for your servers and storage solutions while preventing external security threats and promoting network infrastructure efficiency and health.

& Recovery

Whether your data is 100% virtual or in a hybrid architecture, whether you have multi-regions and multi-tenants or the simplest of models, regardless of the size of your organization, you have to be sure that when you need it, your data will be accessible. A backup strategy in place ensures you do not lose essential information in cases of systems failure, a security breach or human error.  With Commit handling your backup and recovery needs, you can be confident that your data will always be at hand.

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